I finished my third Red Scarf Project scarf for 2010 just under the wire on March 31st.
Pattern: Manitou Passage Scarf by Jen Showalter (it's free!). This pattern features offset 12-stitch cables (6 sts crossed over 6) through the entire length of the scarf, making for a really cushy, deep fabric with a lot of texture. The rest is knit in a 1x1 ribbing. See my mods, below.
Yarn: Malabrigo Worsted in the "Burgundy" colorway. I used just under 2 full skeins for this.
Needles: Size 8 US short circs.
Modifications: I only cast on 38 stitches, omitting the side seed stitch borders. I worked the edge stitches by slipping the first stitch of each edge for a nice, neat edging. I converted the 16-stitch (8 sts x 8 sts) cables to 12-stitch ones (6 x 6) as I wanted a narrower scarf to meet the OFA criteria for the red scarves that are donated. The finished size wound up being 5-3/4" x 70".
This is definitely a nice, warm scarf. All the cables and the ribbing make for a very dense fabric. I would suggest, even if you normally knit cables without a cable needle, to use one for this project, due to the large number of stitches involved for the cables. This one's going in the OFA box for December!
All for now.....
It's beautiful. How can you part with it other than it's for a good cause.
Posted by: margene | April 05, 2010 at 05:36 AM
Your mods made a terrific and very warm looking scarf. Good on you!
Posted by: Judy | April 05, 2010 at 07:37 AM
Wow, that looks like it will keep someone very toasty!
Posted by: Cheryl S. | April 05, 2010 at 08:10 AM
Love it! Red and really really pretty! Someone will love it! I can't believe you are up to 6300 yards of knitting this year. YOU GO GIRL!
Posted by: Christina Scovel | April 05, 2010 at 08:28 AM
That is the most intriguing pattern! Same on both sides?
Posted by: Marcia | April 05, 2010 at 08:54 AM
The texture of this scarf is simply to die for. It's definitely on my must knit list.
Posted by: Toby | April 05, 2010 at 08:58 AM
It does look super-cushy and soft! I must admit, I'm not much of a scarf person...but that pattern is very tempting, especially in Malabrigo! (Which apparently makes EVERYTHING better.)
Posted by: Kristin | April 05, 2010 at 11:10 AM
What an awesome scarf! That's dedication right there (we all know how 1x1 rib can become quite a slog after the first couple of inches...)
Posted by: Yarndude | April 05, 2010 at 03:41 PM
Mmmm. That does look yummy. Warm. Wintry. Nice. You are garnering points in heaven, knitting red scarves in Malabrigo for the OFA group.
Posted by: Laurie | April 05, 2010 at 04:40 PM
Very nice. And so fullsome. Good for you as always...you are the producer! Thank you!
Posted by: Nancy | April 05, 2010 at 07:00 PM