If you are a reader who normally follows my blog here to find out about shop things, I wanted to direct you to my newly arranged/designed shop. The URL is the same, but I've revamped the shop to make it a little more direct to shop (less clicks). You can visit it at the same: www.woolywonkafiber.com.
I've also set up a blog which is accessible through the main store site, but you can also add it to your readers from here. And finally, I've got a brand-spanking new Facebook business page.
I wanted to have a space completely devoted to the shop - with updates on things like new yarns, when I get products updated in the shop, when the clubs open, as well as a spot on the blog to chat about things like new designs, when things are getting published, and chit-chat more about my design things. I'll still be maintaining this blog for now, with tidbits on the garden, personal projects, quilting, and that type of thing.
To celebrate the grand reopening, I'm having a sale, which you can read about over at the new blog. And I hope you'll also take advantage of the extra savings that you'll be able to utilize if you pop over to Facebook as well! Lots of things going on over there in the next couple of weeks - including a new pattern release and more info on the PORBI (Project of Really Big Importance) too!
All for now....
Nice new digs! You have been quietly busy behind the scenes. :-) The store site link won't load btw.
Posted by: Manise | May 01, 2013 at 05:44 AM
Very nice! I remember you saying you didn't like zen cart. This one looks much easier. It seems like they can do digital downloads too! Are you going to put your patterns up?
Posted by: tonya | May 01, 2013 at 07:34 AM
Wow! Quite a shakeup. Whatever Manise found looks fixed. Seamless.
Posted by: Laurie | May 01, 2013 at 11:56 AM
Oh, I *thought* it was a new shop page when I went to link to it on my blog the other day, but I wasn't sure. Looks good!
Posted by: Yarndude | May 01, 2013 at 04:38 PM